8th March 2013 - Press Release
A student at Austin Friars St Monica’s School, in Carlise, has been cast in one of the National Youth Music Theatre’s West End Productions.
Sarah Hughes (aged 15) has been awarded a coveted place in the National Youth Music Theatre’s production of ‘The Other School’. Out of the 3 thousand people who auditioned from across the country, she was part of a group of 300 to be called back to audition again in February. Only 20 people successfully landed a role in this summer’s musical, and Sarah was one of the talented few.
The week-long rehearsals will start on 1st April and Sarah will be required to live in London for 3 weeks prior to the live shows which are between 14th and 17th August. A very busy 4 days in the West End will see Sarah performing the musical in both afternoon and evening shows.
She said “I will try my best to impress on such a big stage, as I would love to make a career in performing arts”.
Sarah has had singing lessons since the age of 4, when she joined Austin Friars St Monica’s Junior School. She then continued these lessons during her time in the Senior School. She currently fits singing, piano, flute and drum lessons into her School day. Her enthusiasm and talent towards performing landed her with 2 roles in the School’s performance of Grease last year as she stepped in at the last minute to take on the role of Marty, as well as her own role of Cha Cha Digregorio when a fellow student fell ill.
Mr Malcolm Judge, Head of Drama at the School is delighted for Sarah, he said “Sarah is one of the most versatile and determined young actors I have had the pleasure to teach.”
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For more details please contact:
Andrew Hullock
Marketing Administrator
Tel: 01228 550 719 email: andrewhullock@autinfriars.cumbria.sch.uk
Notes to editor
Austin Friars St Monica’s School is the independent day school for girls and boys aged 3-18 years in the centre of Carlisle. The School has a strong reputation in Cumbria and South West Scotland for providing an all-round, high quality education that meets the individual needs of each child.
Academic achievement and strong pastoral care are at the heart of what we do. Focusing on a traditional form of education, every pupil at Austin Friars St Monica’s is also encouraged to take part fully in the all-round life of the School with an extensive range of extra curricular activities available.
Once again, public examination results have been exceptionally good this summer. At A level, 61% of grades were either an A or B grade with the overall pass rate once more 100%. At GCSE, a stunning 50.8% of overall grades were either A* or A with more than a third of students recording an outstanding 8 or more top A* or A grades. A School record-breaking 97% of students achieved 5 or more A* - C grades.
If you want further information on what we provide, please go to our website at www.austinfriars.cumbria.sch.uk