CES News (153)

Bishop Marcus image landscapeDear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The final week of the Church’s liturgical year begins with the Solemnity of Christ the King (this year – Sunday 24 November), which we now celebrate annually as World Youth Sunday. On the following Sunday, the First Sunday of Advent, its new liturgical year begins and the readings from the Holy Scriptures at Mass gradually build a sense of joyful hope and expectation which reaches its peak with the celebration of the Nativity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  

A week later, on 1 January, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Mary the Holy Mother of God, and the calendar year of the world is renewed. The liturgies of Advent, Christmas and the Mass on New Year’s Day are suffused with hope and joy. Hope and joy are among the baptismal gifts given to every Christian person and are the birthright especially of children and young people as they start out on their journey of life.

The theme given by the Holy Father Pope Francis for upcoming Jubilee Year 2025 is ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ and so this Advent our Catholic schools and educational establishments will be inviting children and young people to deepen their relationship with God, and to prepare to celebrate with hope and joy the birth of His Son in flesh and His promise to be with us through His Holy Spirit until the end of time.

An essential principle of Catholic education is the primacy of parents as the first teachers of their children. It recognises that, “Families are the first place where the values of love and fraternity, togetherness and sharing, concern and care for others are lived out and handed on” (Pope Francis – Fratelli Tutti, §114). The Catholic education provided by the Church’s schools, colleges and universities can only build upon that faith which is lived within the family and the home; but they are also communities of Christian hope and learning where that faith can grow in our children and young people and help them flourish.

Ahead of the coming holiday period, therefore, I would like to offer my sincere gratitude to school leaders, teachers, learning assistants, chaplains and all those employed in our diocesan schools, colleges and universities, for their dedicated work within the Catholic education sector.

In a similar way, I would like to express my thanks to the governors and trust boards of all our Catholic educational institutions, who give so generously of their time and expertise to volunteer in ensuring the highest standards of education are maintained.

I pray that the Lord will bless you, your families and loved ones through these hopeful days of Advent and Christmas, and may He keep you safe throughout the Jubilee Year of 2025.

With the assurance of my prayers for you all, I remain,

Your servant in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Rt Rev Marcus Stock
Chair of the Catholic Education Service
Bishop of Leeds

Professor Jackie DunneProfessor Jackie Dunne (pictured) is Vice-Chancellor of Birmingham Newman University, one of four Catholic universities in England. 

She started her academic career lecturing in Spanish at Coventry University, and her next move was to the University of Leicester where she later became Director of Lifelong Learning. At the University of Wolverhampton she was appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor, before taking over as Vice-Chancellor at what was then Newman University, in 2020. Jackie is a Professor in Lifelong Learning and Skills.

“The thread that's run through my career in all of the roles I've had has been around widening participation and lifelong learning,” Professor Dunne said. “I've always been working to try and open up universities to non-traditional students in one way or another.”

Birmingham Newman is ranked first in England for social inclusion by the Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024, has climbed the highest number of places of any institution in both the Times Good University Guide 2025 and the Guardian University Guide 2025, and has topped recent National Student Satisfaction surveys.  

Proud of the diversity of its student body, the University has a very high proportion of students with a disability, mature students, carers, those from disadvantaged backgrounds, and students who are the first in their family to go university. Nearly half of the students are from a black, Asian or minority ethnic background.

Heritage of service

What is now Birmingham Newman was established in 1968 by the CES and the Archdiocese of Birmingham as a teacher training college, to provide teachers for Catholic schools in the West Midlands. It was named after Saint John Henry Newman, who had founded the Birmingham Oratory. Since then the curriculum has significantly grown and in 2013 the college was granted university status. 

Further expansion a decade later saw the opening of a School of Nursing and Allied Health, offering nursing, physiotherapy, paramedic science and a range of other healthcare courses.

Professor Dunne said: “If you take our teacher education as the starting point, and the Catholic values that we are founded on it's not surprising when that leads to a focus and commitment on public service, the public sector, and the professions, and we've seen that focus on teaching expand out into health, policing and other curriculum areas.”

Sense of place

Nine in ten students at Birmingham Newman do not live on campus, commuting in from the city and beyond, very often living and working in the region. The Faculty of Education works with the Archdiocese of Birmingham Education Service, placing trainee teachers in local schools both Catholic and secular, with many staying on after being offered jobs.

Professor Dunne said: “Our recent name change from Newman University to Birmingham Newman University was very much about recognising the importance of the institution in this place. And place is really important for us — it's that civic role and that notion of the university as a force for good and public benefit.”

Being the smallest of five universities within Britain’s second biggest city comes with challenges in a competitive field, however, particularly during national upheaval such as the pandemic and fast-rising inflation, but Birmingham Newman is currently growing student numbers and raising its profile in the region and beyond.

The cost of living crisis has affected not only students but also staff, and Covid-era initiatives like a community pantry, subsidised meals and other support measures continue to be well used by employees and the student population.   

Going global 

Being part of a wider family is also an important aspect for Catholic education. Birmingham Newman supports the English and Welsh Catholic sector including as a higher education provider through the Formatio partnership of dioceses, Catholic multi-academy trusts and schools. In addition, Professor Dunne is Chair of the Cathedrals Group of 14 Church-founded universities. 

The University has partnerships worldwide, for instance in Wichita, Kansas, in the United States there is also a Newman University, with which Birmingham’s namesake has had a long-standing relationship for international exchanges. Similarly, the University participates in the government’s Turing Scheme for enabling study abroad.  

This academic year the University will begin to recruit undergraduate and postgraduate candidates from overseas, and offer its highly regarded student experience to a wider audience.

Professor Dunne said: “It's quite an exciting time for the University, and that is about growing our reach and providing a university opportunity for more people. We're fortunate here in that we're in a growth trajectory, we're managing to buck some trends and are in a good position.”

Growth and development 

Birmingham Newman is embarking on an estates redevelopment programme to modernise parts of the campus. This involves the demolition of Edgbaston Halls, which was one of the original 1960s accommodation blocks, landscaping works for a new outdoor area, and a pedestrianised boulevard at the front to replace an existing car park. 

Amid the success story of Birmingham Newman, and its continued growth and investment, what remains at the core of the university is its founding nature as a Catholic institution, with the Archbishop of Birmingham as a member of its governing council, carrying Catholic higher education into the future.  

Professor Dunne said: “Our foundations have influenced our values. Nowadays they articulate themselves firstly through opportunity. We see our mission very much about providing a higher education opportunity to all those who can benefit and have the talent to benefit; it's not about what they did before or didn't have the opportunity to do.

“The second part is inclusivity, that's at the centre of what we do, the whole notion of social justice, the dignity of every individual, and we continually strive to create an environment that's welcoming and inclusive, where there's a place for everyone.

“Ultimately, we are ambitious for our students and want to make sure they are supported to reach their maximum potential, that they can achieve what they set out to — or what they thought they might not be able to do.”

Find out more about Birmingham Newman University

Dr Ann Marie Mealey at Service of ThanksgivingA prominent Catholic financier and philanthropist has been installed as the new Chancellor at Leeds Trinity, one of England’s four Catholic universities.

John Studzinski CBE is the founder and chairman of the Genesis Foundation, which supports and nurtures outstanding artists and creative professionals; Vice-Chair Emeritus of Human Rights Watch; and founding president of the Arise Foundation, which furthers anti-slavery work on four continents. 

The US-born British citizen, who in 2017 was named by the Catholic Herald as Catholic Of The Year, has a career spanning four decades in investment management and asset management, including for HSBC, Morgan Stanley, Blackstone and most recently as Managing Director and Vice-Chairman of PIMCO. 

His 1 October installation began with a Service of Thanksgiving in St Anne’s Cathedral, celebrated by the Rev Monsignor Paul Grogan, Episcopal Vicar for Education at the Diocese of Leeds.  

Dr Ann Marie Mealey (pictured), the university’s Director of Catholic Mission, gave the opening address at the service. She said: “Our motto of Education for Hope should be a sign to everyone who works, studies, leads or interacts in any way with our university that we are seeking to provide excellence in all subject disciplines as well as the opportunity for students and staff to develop as people ready to engage in civic life as persons of goodwill.  

“Our hope is to humanise the world through teaching, scholarship, community engagement and projects that enhance the dignity of everyone, especially the most marginalised in our communities. We try to see everyone through the lens of hope and thereby open ourselves up the transformative power of education to develop the inherent potential in everyone – informed by faith.”

Symbolic items related to the university were presented during the service, including its first prospectus from 1966.  

Following the service the assembled walked to Leeds Civic Hall. The procession was a symbol and reminder that the Church serves the world, and of the Catholic university’s mission to go out and act as a beacon of light for the transformation of lives for the betterment of self, society and the world at large - ‘encouraging real involvement on the part of each and all’ [Pope Francis, October 9, 2021].   

The installation ceremony took place at the civic hall, attended by staff, students, alumni and dignitaries including the Lord Mayor of Leeds. It was presided over by Leeds Trinity’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor Charles Egbu, and the Vice Chair of the Board of Governors, Kevin O’Connor.  

John Studzinski CBE said: “It’s an honour and a privilege to become Chancellor of Leeds Trinity University. I am excited by its blend of educational excellence along with its values-based approach, as it equips the young people of today to become the leaders of tomorrow. 

“In all my activities, my goal is to nurture and sustain human dignity, and I see my new role with the university as compatible with that. I look forward to engaging with and working with Leeds Trinity and the Leeds community over my term of office.”  

The role of Chancellor is ceremonial, acting as an ambassador for the university, with responsibilities including the conferment of degrees at graduation ceremonies.

The installation took place on the same day that the university launched its new Leeds City Campus at 1 Trevelyan Square. 

Find more about the Leeds Trinity University Chancellor

TiH logo enhanced 1Teach in Herts is the dedicated platform for jobs in education and childcare, with more than 700 of the county’s schools, trusts and settings using the platform as their primary recruitment resource and over 50,000 visitors per month. The site lists around 10,000 vacancies every year across four main categories: teaching, leadership, early years and professional and support.

Recognising the need for a more streamlined application process, Teach in Herts has worked to simplify and enhance the experience for both Catholic schools and for their prospective candidates. This improvement ensures that the unique data capture requirements of Catholic schools are met while making the process easier for applicants.

Developed in close partnership with the CES, this advancement allows Catholic institutions to manage their recruitment seamlessly through the platform, eliminating the need for downloadable application forms. These forms, which are often time-consuming, have been replaced by a CES-approved online application form. This form automatically populates candidate’s information from their profile, reducing the time required to complete each application and increasing the likelihood of submission.

Carole Bennett, CEO of HFL Education said: “I am delighted that we have worked together with the Catholic Education Service in order to enable our Catholic school colleagues to benefit from a streamlined recruitment service with Teach in Herts. We at HFL are never prouder than when we work with our partners to help improve the quality of teaching and learning - and strong recruitment is critical to the strength and success of schools, trusts and settings.”

Paul Barber, CES Director, said: “The CES has been pleased to work with HFL Education to ensure that its application forms are suitable for use in Catholic schools. It is important that the CES provides support to enable Catholic schools to attract the best candidates for roles in their schools.”

To learn more, get in touch on 01438 544468 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

mynewtermMyNewTerm is the applicant tracking system of choice for thousands of schools and multi-academy trusts (MATs) across England, including many hundreds of Catholic schools since MyNewTerm began collaborating with the CES.

Working extensively with the unique requirements of Catholic schools and MATs, MyNewTerm has streamlined the recruitment process for both candidates and employers to ensure compliance with Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) and ensure that the application forms, in particular, are appropriate for use in Catholic schools and MATs and approved by the CES.

Change within school recruitment is needed more than ever today; the labour market continues to remain challenging, with recruitment processes for many Catholic schools still time-consuming, costly and labour-intensive, and the concern of losing the best candidates also often looms.

MyNewTerm’s Catholic partner MATs and schools have already innovated with speed and ease to improve their education provision, by attracting the best candidates and deploying a fully digitalised process; all offered by the MyNewTerm platform.

Founded by a former teacher, MyNewTerm is the leading applicant tracking system for schools and MATs and provides employers with some of the following benefits:

  • Improved efficiency
  • Ensured compliance with KCSiE
  • CES-approved application forms
  • Fully digital application process for candidates
  • Integration with the DfE Teaching Vacancies Service

Joe Richardson is Strategic Executive Leader at St Thomas Catholic Academies Trust, which is made up of 17 schools within the Diocese of Northampton and has partnered with MyNewTerm for several years. He said: “MyNewTerm has sensitively and thoughtfully adapted the platform to reflect the distinct needs of Catholic schools, ensuring that specific needs are met in full. They constantly update the platform to reflect KCSiE and, for that reason alone, I cannot imagine being without it!”

Wayne Cartmel, Founder and Chief Executive Officer at MyNewTerm, said: “We are proud to have worked collaboratively with the CES to deliver on the specific requirements for Catholic schools to provide the benefit of being able to fully digitise the recruitment process. Removing barriers for prospective candidates is essential in a challenging recruitment market and we are pleased to be able to provide an online application process for all Catholic schools to benefit.”

Paul Barber, Director of the CES, said: “The CES has been pleased to work with MyNewTerm to ensure that its application forms are suitable for use in Catholic schools. It is important that the CES provides support to enable Catholic schools to attract the best candidates for roles in their schools.”

To learn more about the applicant tracking system of choice for the education sector and the bespoke online application process developed for Catholic Schools, get in touch here with the MyNewTerm team today.

Dr Ann Marie MealeyA consultation with Leeds Trinity University staff and students has led to the UK’s first Catholic mission strategy being produced.

This has been welcomed by staff, students and governors at Leeds Trinity, which is one of four Catholic universities in England. 

Consultation and open psychologically safe listening revealed that some staff and students did not fully understand the Catholic nature of the university and how it can be expressed in a competitive higher education marketplace. 

The inspiring story of the Sisters of the Cross and Passion and CES, who opened the university in 1966 to widen access to education and skills for marginalised groups in society, was the catalyst for a renewed understanding of why the Catholic mission of the university can and should continue to be articulated. 

The story of The Most Venerable Elizabeth Prout also inspired the Leeds Trinity community to see themselves in the story of the foundress of the Sisters of the Cross and Passion order — and as part of the continuation of her mission to provide education for all.

Dr Ann Marie Mealey (pictured), the university’s Director of Catholic Mission, said: “The founding vision of transformation of lives through education informed by faith still resonates on campus today, including with non-Catholics. We always need to find new ways of aligning our Catholic mission with sector demands because Catholic education has always made a significant contribution to ‘teaching from the margins of society’ with faith and love. And this is still credible in today’s world.

“I am so proud of the Leeds Trinity staff and student community. They found our foundational story and raison d’être so inspiring once it was explained to everyone that each and every person is a part of a mission to offer education as hope for a better future for everyone. Our motto of education for hope is used positively by many staff and students and is a sign of renewed engagement with who we always were since 1966.”

The university reaffirmed its mission inspired by the guidance of the Sisters of the Cross and Passion as follows:

  • learn respect for self and others
  • learn the meaning of an inclusive community which celebrates difference and acknowledges mutual interdependence
  • develop a love of learning and appreciation of their talents
  • read the signs of the times and respond to the crying needs of the world today
  • share their gifts and resources in a spirit of compassion for the building of a more just world

The strategy includes an emphasis on providing skills outside of the classroom to students in ethical leadership programmes and workshops, inspired by the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. It also capitalises on the global network of Catholic higher education, of which England’s four Catholic universities are a part.

The strategic pillars of the new strategy align with Leeds Trinity’s strategic plan and demonstrate how each and every person is invited to develop their full potential. This is achieved through sustainable education; ethically informed student experience; support for Catholic multi-academy trusts; research and knowledge exchange; as well as in international and national collaborations with sister Catholic schools, colleges and universities that make up the Catholic family of education providers.

Leeds Trinity’s recent Catholic mission work has branched out into areas including Beyond The Dark Clouds, a free online lecture series and internationally-known podcast on Catholic approaches to topical issues; an annual conference on Catholic education; designing an ethical leadership programme in association with CAFOD; and hosting a mosaic of Biblical scenes by an award-winning artist at the university’s chapel.

Part of the mosaic depicted Alan Kurdi, the two-year-old boy washed up on a beach in Turkey while crossing the Mediterranean from Syria. Dr Mealey said that non-Catholic staff and students visiting the exhibition were impressed to hear of the Bishops’ approach to migration, as articulated in Love The Stranger.     

She said: “Some staff and students said they didn’t know that the Bishops engaged with the ethical challenges of our times. But being guided to learn more about the intellectual side of the Church helped those who are not Catholic to come forward and speak about our university’s Catholicism in a positive light and to understand more fully that the social teachings of the Church invite everyone to consider what is deeply human about education and human living.

“I’m so grateful to everyone for their contributions and engagement in this process and hope that our work inspires other universities to design their own strategies for hope.”

Find out more about Leeds Trinity University’s Catholic mission

The government has today (19 December) launched a consultation on Gender questioning children: draft schools and colleges guidance.  

Paul Barber, Catholic Education Service Director, said: “While some clarity from the government is welcome, Catholic schools have been responding to pupils over this issue for many years, on a case-by-case basis, with sensitivity and understanding that each individual’s needs vary. Catholic education focuses on the God-given dignity of each individual, regardless of what gender they are. We will be participating in the consultation in due course.” 

To know You more dearly imageA new Prayer and Liturgy Directory for Catholic schools, colleges and academies in England and Wales has been launched at a conference in York.

The directory was presented to dioceses on 17 October by a host of speakers including Dr Sue Price, Director of Pastoral Outreach at the Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology, and its editors Martin Foster, Director of the Liturgy Office for the Bishops’ Conference; and the Revd Professor Peter McGrail, Subject Lead for Theology, Philosophy and Religious Studies at Liverpool Hope University.

Titled To love You more dearly and published by the Bishops’ Conference and the CES, it is the first such document to support prayer and liturgy coordinators, senior leadership teams and governors and others in implementing the understanding of the Catholic Church in prayer and liturgy.

Communal prayer forms a major part of the spiritual life of the school and to pupils’ moral and spiritual development, with participants invited to recognise God’s action in their lives and that of the school. For example, this can include classroom prayer at the beginning or end of the day, and prayer at the start of a staff meeting.

The Directory has been approved by the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, and was subject to a number of wide-scale consultations with practitioners which helped to shape and develop the text.

In the preface the Most Revd George Stack, Emeritus Archbishop of Cardiff and Chairman of the Department for Christian Life and Worship, and the Rt Revd Marcus Stock, Bishop of Leeds and Chairman of the Department for Education and Formation, write: “In Catholic schools and colleges across England and Wales, teachers and other adult members of the school community have long supported the life of prayer and liturgy within their schools with imagination and dedication.

“We hope that this directory will affirm what is good practice, while also setting a high bar to which all can aspire.”

Topics covered include the use of music; celebrating sacraments; devotions and more. Sections can also be used to provide focused guidance as follows:

  • in developing school policies and systems
  • in directly planning prayer and liturgy
  • as a focus for evaluating practice
  • in staff formation
  • as reference points for Catholic school inspectors to support their judgments

Part of a series, the document follows on from To know You more clearly, its Religious Education counterpart published earlier this year.

The title of the new Prayer and Liturgy Directory, To love You more dearly, is taken from a prayer by St Richard of Chichester, a Bishop in the 13th century remembered for his generosity to the poor, mercy shown to sinners, and reform of the liturgical life of his diocese.

Supporting resources for schools, based on the directory, are currently being prepared.

To love You more dearly was drafted and edited by experts including Martin Foster, Director of the Liturgy Office for the Bishops’ Conference; the Revd Professor Peter McGrail, Subject Lead for Theology, Philosophy and Religious Studies at Liverpool Hope University; Philip Robinson, Chief Inspector of the Catholic Schools Inspectorate; Catherine Bryan, Deputy Director of the CES; Dr Nancy Walbank, CES Religious Education Adviser; Elaine Arundell, Primary RE Adviser for the Archdiocese of Westminster, and of the National Board of RE Inspectors and Advisers (NBRIA); Matthew Dell, Senior Lecturer in RE at St Mary’s University, and of Association of Teachers of Catholic Religious Education (ATCRE); Deacon Paul Mannings of the Archdiocese of Liverpool, and of NBRIA; Jane Porter of the Association of Catholic Chaplains in Education (ACCE), and Cardinal Newman School, in Luton; and Peter Ward of NBRIA.

Download and read To love You more dearly or order a hard copy from YPD Books

The new Prayer and Liturgy Directory for Catholic schools, academies and colleges in England and Wales has been published. 

Titled To love You more dearly it is available on the CES website to read or download, while hard copies can also be ordered from YPD Books

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