Friday, 15 March 2013 12:21

Saint Paul’s School Parliament


February 2013

Pupils at Saint Paul’s Catholic High School in Wythenshawe have been voting for their own School Parliament as part of a new school initiative to involve more of the pupils in the life and decision-making processes of the school.

All pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9 were eligible to stand for election to the School Parliament. Candidates ran their own election campaign and their campaign pledges were on a display board. The rest of the year group then voted for their three favourite candidates who will duly sit on the School Parliament for that year. The three pupils from each year who received the most votes on the day were appointed MSPs, Member of School Parliament.

All the representatives ran the Election Day with the help of Manchester City Council who provided some very impressive official equipment such as booths, ballot boxes and ballot papers.

The purpose of the School Parliament is to give pupils a real voice within a manageable system and encourage students to take ownership and responsibility for their school. It will also enable staff to gain student perspective whilst at the same time raising awareness about democratic systems and rights in line with Citizenship education.

“The School Parliament represents the student voice at Saint Paul’s. We plan to meet monthly to discuss the various issues,” explained Ms Michelle Davies, Humanities teacher and organiser of the School Parliament. “The MSPs will wear a different tie to the rest of the pupils. The tie will have a gold stripe on it so pupils are aware who they are.”

Ms Davies added: “The School Parliament will be very important to the school, and as a result the parliament will be very much involved in school life.”

“The School Parliament will be an important consultative body within the school and will be taken seriously,” commented Mr Wiktor Daron, Head Teacher at Saint Paul’s.”It gives the opportunity for students to put forward recommendations to the management, staff and governors of the school.”



15th February 2013 - Press Release


The Barlow RC High School in Didsbury has been named one of the top ten schools in England for its PE provision. On 14th February, the school’s Head of PE was presented with an award in recognition of the school's excellent practice and approach to physical education. Head of PE, Mrs Penny Scott received the award from Edward Timpson MP at the Department for Education’s Offices in London. 

The Barlow's PE department has been awarded The Association for Physical Education's (afPE) Quality Mark; the benchmark and industry standard for high quality PE. The mark celebrates excellence in The Barlow's management and delivery of PE and sport. The Barlow was just one of ten schools across England given this independent endorsement. 

Head of PE, Mrs Penny Scott said, “We are delighted with the Quality Mark award. It recognises the strength and quality of physical education and sport at The Barlow. All young people are entitled to benefit from a high quality physical education. We deliver strenuous activities that challenge our students, invest in competitive sport and provide a wide variety of extra-curricular sporting activities. Not only do PE lessons contribute to healthy and active lifestyles, there is significant evidence to show that they can help improve behaviour, develop key skills such as leadership and confidence and make a difference to the learning of children, more widely across the curriculum."

Edward Timpson MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (children and families) is responsible, amongst other things, for sport in school within the Department of Education. The Quality Mark is awarded to schools following an inspection by the afPE, similar to those conducted by Ofsted. A copy of the report is sent to the Department of Education. The afPE Strategic Lead, Sue Wilkinson said, “The afPE Quality Mark Award for Physical Education and school sport is only awarded to those schools who can demonstrate a commitment to improvement and a high standard in the subject. The Barlow High School is a worthy recipient of this award and we are delighted that Edward Timpson MP was able to present Penny with the award at the ceremony.”

It has been an excellent year for The Barlow with GCSE results rising significantly for the fourth year in succession. In 2012, 95% of the pupils achieved at least 5 A*- C grades, with 74% including English and Maths. These outstanding results placed The Barlow yet again as one of the highest performing secondary schools in Manchester. In July 2012, The Barlow also received national recognition from The Specialist Schools and Academies Trust (SSAT) for achieving some of the fastest improving GCSE results in the country and in October, an Ofsted inspection report praised pupils, staff and governors and stated that 'under passionate, visionary leadership, the school is going from strength-to-strength.'


For more information please contact:

Kathryn Carr, Marketing Manager

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0161 445 8053 




Thursday, 03 January 2013 10:52

Christmas Cheer at Saint Paul’s!

Pupils spread the spirit of Christmas and brought seasonal smiles to pensioners’ faces when Saint Paul’s Catholic High School in Wythenshawe extended their Christmas cheer to the elderly of the parish by inviting them to join with the school’s pupils and staff in celebrating Christmas.

The event was hosted by the high school pupils who greeted the guests as they arrived then kept them entertained throughout the afternoon. The event provides a valuable link with the older generation in the community.

As well as well as a hearty festive feast, there was a visit from Santa who had a gift for every guest. Saint Paul’s pupils sang their favourite Christmas carols around the tree then the school and its guests enjoyed a raffle with wonderful food hampers as the special prizes.

The school received many warm words of thanks and appreciation from its guests, both on the day and in letters after the event.

One of the pensioners who attended said “The party was superb, we all really enjoyed it. Everyone was very friendly and welcoming and we were extremely well looked after.”

Another added: “We could see that weeks of preparation had obviously gone into this special event, and it seems that everyone’s hard work certainly paid off. We had a fantastic time and were very pleased to have been invited.”

“The event provided our pupils with an invaluable experience of volunteering, citizenship and socialising to which they responded magnificently,” said Mr Daron, Head Teacher at Saint Paul’s. “The elderly visitors were full of praise for the staff and pupils.”

Mr Daron added: “Each year we all enjoy the Christmas party; it is a special time for the pupils, teachers and members of the community who are able to share this wonderful celebration spanning the generations in Wythenshawe.”

Thursday, 20 December 2012 16:14

Leeds Trinity granted university title

Leeds Trinity has been awarded the title of university by the Privy Council and will now be known as Leeds Trinity University.

Professor Freda Bridge said: "I’m delighted that we have now been granted university status – it is a major milestone in our 46 year history that recognises our collective hard work and achievements. In all but name, Leeds Trinity has been functioning as a university since its award of taught degree awarding powers in 2009, and I’m delighted that the government’s decision will now allow us to use the title ‘university’. I’d like to thank all staff, students and governors who have worked hard to contribute to this momentous event in our history.”

Ed Anderson, Chair of the Board of Governors at Leeds Trinity, added: “The Board of Governors is thrilled that Leeds Trinity has been awarded university title. We are proud of the fantastic experience we provide to our students, which is reflected in student satisfaction surveys and the employment record of our former students. This announcement marks an exciting new chapter for Leeds Trinity, and the city of Leeds, and we are proud to be a part of the offer for people who wish to pursue their University education in Leeds.”

For more information please contact Tania Clarke on 0113 2837304 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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