On 22 June 2015, four children from Our Lady of Pity Primary School in years 5 and 6 won the UK Mathematics Challenge at Birkenhead School against other local Wirral Primary schools.

The UKMT Team Challenges promote mathematical dexterity, teamwork and communication skills. They also give pupils the opportunity to compete against pupils from other schools in their region. Activities included a group round, cross-number and a mathematical relay.

Singapore mathematicss techniques are currently being implemented at Our Lady of Pity and the children had great fun using Singaporean methods to answer the questions.

Katie Hogan, a trainee teacher who led the children from Our Lady of Pity said, 'this was a fantastic opportunity for the children to demonstrate their mathematics skills in a competitive environment. All of the children thoroughly enjoyed the day and we would like to thank Birkenhead School for organising the event.'

Notes to editors:

• For more information and pictures after the event, please contact Katie Hogan at Our Lady of Pity School. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Monday, 22 June 2015 00:00

Visit from Mike Kane MP

Following an invitation from the School Parliament, local MP Mike Kane visited Saint Paul’s Catholic High School in Wythenshawe where he spoke to a group of Year 9 and Year 10 pupils about his role as an MP.

After talking about his experiences, Mike then opened the floor to questions from the students. As expected from Saint Paul’s, the questions dispelled any lingering myths about political apathy amongst the young. Topics covered a wide range of current affairs with the pupils showing that they have a very lively interest in politics and what is happening in the world.

Ms Una McCaughey from Saint Paul’s said: “The question and answer session was fantastic, it was a heated debate and an amazing experience. Mike Kane said he'd happily take some of our pupils to be part of his future campaigns!”

“The pupils asked some very thought provoking and apt questions; they engaged really well and I was proud of them,” commented Mrs Fiona Minshall, Head Teacher at Saint Paul’s.  “They had obviously given some thought to their questions and I think it’s excellent that they are interested in, and have a passion for, politics and current affairs.”


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Notes for Editors


  1. Saint Paul’s received congratulations from the Rt Hon David Laws MP Minister of State for Schools when they were recognised as one of the 100 most improved schools in the country.

  2. On 1st April, 2013 Saint Paul’s Catholic High School joined with St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School and St John Fisher and Thomas More Catholic Primary School to form the Wythenshawe Catholic Academy Trust (MAT – Multi Trust Academy). St Elizabeth's Catholic Primary School later joined the Trust.
  1. Saint Paul’s was the first school in Manchester to be awarded Engineering College status.
  1. The work of Saint Paul’s drama teacher, Ms Ellie Brookes, was recognised with her winning the much coveted North West Teacher of the Year Award. Also Head of Humanities at Saint Paul’s, Ms Ursula Gallagher, gained third place in the Outstanding New Teacher of the Year category of the Northern Area Teacher of the Year.
  1. Lively approaches to teaching maintain vigour and ensure that firm foundations are established for higher level work. The school has a modern approach to learning supported by a programme of constant refurbishment and development of its facilities and resources.
  1. The aims of the school are to:
    • Teach and foster a Christian perspective in all that it does
    • Provide teaching of the highest calibre
    • Promote excellence in all areas
    • Develop the ability, talents and character of each pupil, enabling them to make their own unique contribution to school life
    • Encourage boys to play their part in helping the community run smoothly and effectively, by taking on responsibility and leadership

More information about Saint Paul’s Catholic High School can be found at www.st-paulshigh.net or contact Jane McAuliffe-Hall (Marketing and Publicity Manager) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or on 0161 499 0000.

Press Statement - 15 June 2015


"The Catholic Education Service welcomes the Westminster Faith Debates report A New Settlement: Religion and Belief in Schools as an important contribution to the debate on the place of religion in schools. The report acknowledges the important role which Church schools play in the public sector and supports Catholic parents' right to send their children to Catholic schools.

"We welcome the report's support for the admission and employment criteria in Catholic schools. Catholic schools serve first and foremost the Catholic community, reflecting the vast contribution that the community makes in terms of their provision and ownership of the land and school buildings, financial contributions and support given by parents and governors.

"The purpose of Religious Education (RE) in Catholic schools differs from that of community schools. RE is at the core of a Catholic school and must make up 10% of curriculum time. Catholic RE equips students with the skills to discern and deepen their faith and teach them about the faiths of other religious communities in order to respect and understand them. Regular Diocesan inspections of this curriculum holds Catholic schools publicly accountable.

"Given the distinctive nature of RE in Catholic schools, any national RE curriculum would not fulfil the purposes of RE in both Catholic and community schools. Catholic schools will continue to follow the RE curriculum as set out by the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales."


Monday, 20 April 2015 00:00

Get Caught Reading at Saint Paul’s

Staff and pupils at Saint Paul’s Catholic High School in Wythenshawe have taken part in a “Catch Me Reading” programme which is designed to promote a reading culture and really get students engaged in any form of reading.

Initiatives, to encourage and develop the pupils’ enjoyment of reading, so far range from:

  • Staff visiting form rooms to catch students reading and then awarding small prizes
  • A Catch Me Reading campaign for students to upload photos
  • Raising the awareness of reading areas around school for students to just relax and read
  • Part of the chapel has been refurbished into a reading hub
  • Reading clubs for all ages have been launched
  • An Accelerated Reading programme has been promoted to improve student reading ages

Andrea Williams who is leading the campaign at Saint Paul’s explained: “Obviously, we would love that students read books, but we just want them reading so we are raising awareness of reading, be it Manga comics, magazines, online article etc. We know it will take time to encourage non-readers and weaker readers but the more we push, hopefully, the more enthused students will be. At the moment it is still in its infancy but we are hoping that, in time, students will become more receptive and automatically bring books into school.”

Ms Williams added: “The hope when everything is up and running is that carrying a book and reading becomes a second nature to our students.”

“At Saint Paul’s, we encourage all of our students to read, not just in lessons but also for pleasure,” commented Mrs Fiona Minshall, Head Teacher at Saint Paul’s. “We have put together a number of initiatives to help our students not only understand the importance of reading but to also help them gain an interest and passion for reading. We are working with parents to encourage reading at home we are positive we will have many happy, keen readers.”

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Notes for Editors


  1. Saint Paul’s received congratulations from the Rt Hon David Laws MP Minister of State for Schools when they were recognised as one of the 100 most improved schools in the country.
  1. On 1st April, 2013 Saint Paul’s Catholic High School joined with St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School and St John Fisher and Thomas More Catholic Primary School to form the Wythenshawe Catholic Academy Trust (MAT – Multi Trust Academy). St Elizabeth's Catholic Primary School later joined the Trust.
  1. Saint Paul’s was the first school in Manchester to be awarded Engineering College status.
  1. The work of Saint Paul’s drama teacher, Ms Ellie Brookes, was recognised with her winning the much coveted North West Teacher of the Year Award. Also Head of Humanities at Saint Paul’s, Ms Ursula Gallagher, gained third place in the Outstanding New Teacher of the Year category of the Northern Area Teacher of the Year.
  1. Lively approaches to teaching maintain vigour and ensure that firm foundations are established for higher level work. The school has a modern approach to learning supported by a programme of constant refurbishment and development of its facilities and resources.
  1. The aims of the school are to:
    • Teach and foster a Christian perspective in all that it does
    • Provide teaching of the highest calibre
    • Promote excellence in all areas
    • Develop the ability, talents and character of each pupil, enabling them to make their own unique contribution to school life
    • Encourage boys to play their part in helping the community run smoothly and effectively, by taking on responsibility and leadership

More information about Saint Paul’s Catholic High School can be found at www.st-paulshigh.net or contact Jane McAuliffe-Hall (Marketing and Publicity Manager) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or on 0161 499 0000.

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