Вівторок, 29 квітня 2014 08:31

Chairman of CES comments on the tragedy in Corpus Christi Catholic College

29 April 2014


Statement from the Chairman of the Catholic Education Service

Upon hearing of the tragedy in Corpus Christi Catholic College, Leeds, Archbishop-Elect Malcolm McMahon OP, Chairman of the Catholic Education Service, said:

'I was shocked and saddened to hear of Ann Maguire's death yesterday. My prayers, and those of every Catholic parish and school in England and Wales, will be with her family and friends, the staff and students of Corpus Christi Catholic College in Leeds, and all who have been affected in any way by this senseless tragedy. Ann gave her life to the College and Catholic education, and thousands of young people have benefitted from her kindness and hard work over many years. May she rest in peace.'



Marie Southall
Public Affairs Manager
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