Понеділок, 13 квітня 2015 00:00

Wolrd-renowned opera singer to sing with acclaimed school choir in Te Deum

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 29 April, the Schola Cantorum of the Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School will be singing alongside one of the leading singers of our day, counter tenor Iestyn Davies, and the exciting period instrument ensemble Spiritato! in Te Deum at St John's, Smith Square.

This will not be the first time that Cardinal Vaughan has performed at St John's, Smith Square. The School has a long tradition of singing and the School's choirs regularly appear at London's major churches and concert halls. A masterpiece of English Baroque architecture, St John's will be the perfect venue for the concert's spectacular programme of seventeenth and eighteenth century English and French Baroque Music.

Concert conductor and Director of Music at Cardinal Vaughan, Scott Price, said:

We are very excited about the prospect of working with Iestyn Davies, one of the most in demand singers in the world and also of giving our first concert with early music group Spiritato! It promises to be a wonderful evening.

Ticket prices range from £10 to £20 (with a 10% discount available for concessions). They are available to buy from St John's, Smith Square on 0207 222 1601 or online at www.sjss.org.uk.


Press contact:

Hannah Staff (Communications & PR Officer)

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