П'ятниця, 30 серпня 2019 15:34

October 2019: ‘Baptised and Sent’ The Extraordinary Month of Mission


In October 2019 Pope Francis calls us all to renew our missionary commitment through a special month of prayer and action. 

Schools are encouraged to join with our worldwide Catholic community to help pupils in their own mission to work and pray together to share God’s love with everyone, everywhere.

For secondary schools, Missio offers a workshop and short reflections to download, focusing on EMM and Christus Vivit. Find these and other secondary materials at https://missio.org.uk/emm-schools-page/

Mission Together, Missio’s children’s branch, has created resources to help primary schools mark this special month, including assemblies, activities and liturgies. These are available to download at https://missiontogether.org.uk/an-extraordinary-month-of-mission/

Missio is the Pope’s charity for world mission.

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