Monday, 13 April 2015 00:00

A Celebration of Achievement at Saint Paul’s

Saint Paul’s Catholic High School in Wythenshawe threw open its doors to welcome former pupils and their families. The former pupils were returning to the school for a special Certificate and Awards Presentation where they received their exam certificates.

The event is the school's annual celebration of the achievements of its pupils during the previous academic year with awards being given to pupils from last year’s Year 11 for both achievement and progress.

Parents, friends, pupils and teachers gathered to recognise the achievements of the pupils and this important milestone in their lives. The event was another proud moment for the school and a fantastic opportunity to reflect on the success of the students and the staff who support them.

Assistant Headteacher, Mrs Claire Hunt, commented: “The Presentation Ceremony and lunch where ex-pupils return to school to collect their exam certificates is a high point in the school calendar. Their proud families joined with us to celebrate their wonderful achievements.”

Mrs Hunt added: “After the ceremony, parents, ex-students, other guests and staff mingled and chatted over lunch. The atmosphere, the smiling faces, the laughter and the sense of mutual appreciation between staff, parents and ex-students was a great advert for the values of our school.”

It was wonderful to see so many young people come up to proudly receive their certificates and awards,” explained Head Teacher, Mrs Fiona Minshall. “The event recognises the outstanding achievement and effort of the students.We are very proud of them all and look forward to seeing them build on their success in the future.”


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Notes for Editors


  1. Saint Paul’s received congratulations from the Rt Hon David Laws MP Minister of State for Schools when they were recognised as one of the 100 most improved schools in the country.
  1. On 1st April, 2013 Saint Paul’s Catholic High School joined with St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School and St John Fisher and Thomas More Catholic Primary School to form the Wythenshawe Catholic Academy Trust (MAT – Multi Trust Academy). St Elizabeth's Catholic Primary School later joined the Trust.
  1. Saint Paul’s was the first school in Manchester to be awarded Engineering College status.
  1. The work of Saint Paul’s drama teacher, Ms Ellie Brookes, was recognised with her winning the much coveted North West Teacher of the Year Award. Also Head of Humanities at Saint Paul’s, Ms Ursula Gallagher, gained third place in the Outstanding New Teacher of the Year category of the Northern Area Teacher of the Year.
  1. Lively approaches to teaching maintain vigour and ensure that firm foundations are established for higher level work. The school has a modern approach to learning supported by a programme of constant refurbishment and development of its facilities and resources.
  1. The aims of the school are to:
    • Teach and foster a Christian perspective in all that it does
    • Provide teaching of the highest calibre
    • Promote excellence in all areas
    • Develop the ability, talents and character of each pupil, enabling them to make their own unique contribution to school life
    • Encourage boys to play their part in helping the community run smoothly and effectively, by taking on responsibility and leadership

More information about Saint Paul’s Catholic High School can be found at or contact Jane McAuliffe-Hall (Marketing and Publicity Manager) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or on 0161 499 0000.

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