Понеділок, 04 грудня 2023 11:40

Trustees needed for Centre for Chaplaincy in Education

CCE Yellow and Red Logo 002Are you committed to supporting and developing chaplaincy in education and called to give your time, experience and skill to the role of a trustee?

The Centre For Chaplaincy In Education is seeking new trustees. 

You might be a serving or retired chaplain or church or school leader, or you may be approaching this from another perspective.

Whatever your background and interest, the CCE would be pleased to hear from you.

As well as a general trustee roles, we are also looking for someone who can take on responsibility for finance.  

For an informal conversation please contact Mike Haslam, Chair of Trustees, at Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам необхідно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. 

Read 3956 times Last modified on Вівторок, 05 грудня 2023 09:55